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景泰蓝,中国的著名特种金属工艺品之一,到明代景泰年间这种工艺技术制作达到了最巅峰,制作出的工艺品最为精美而著名,故后人称这种瓷器为“景泰蓝”。景泰蓝正名“铜胎掐丝珐琅”,俗名“珐蓝”,又称“嵌珐琅”,是一种在铜质的胎型上,用柔软的扁铜丝,掐成各种花纹焊上,然后把珐琅质的色釉填充在花纹内烧制而成的瓷器器物 。因其在明朝景泰年间盛行,制作技艺比较成熟,
Cloisonne, one of China's famous special metal crafts, reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty, and produced the most exquisite and famous crafts, so later generations called this kind of porcelain "cloisonne". Cloisonne is also known as "copper tire enamel" or "inlaid enamel". It is a kind of porcelain made by welding various patterns with soft flat copper wires on the copper tire and filling the enamel glaze in the patterns. Because of its popularity in Jingtai period of Ming Dynasty, its production skills are relatively mature.
The enamel glaze used is mostly blue, so it is named "cloisonne". (Tangxian Huifeng Handicraft Factory)