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铜缸有祈福祛灾的吉祥作用,又称“门海”、“福海”、“吉祥缸”。同时,大 缸也是一个循环的“小五行”:金生水、水克火!紫禁城中最豪华的鎏 金铜缸摆置在象征皇权的太和殿东西两侧,据说每次鎏这种规格的大铜 缸要用去3公斤黄金。故宫里的一些大殿前、庭院中都摆放着一个个这样腹宽口收、容量极大,而且装饰精美,两耳处还加挂着兽面铜环的金属缸。这些大缸除了有装饰作用外,其主要功能为储水防火,因而又被称作“吉祥缸”,“太平缸”。(铜大缸)唐县汇丰铜雕工艺品厂主要铸造大型佛像和各种造型工艺品。产品包括:寺庙用大型佛像、藏佛像、铜鼎、铜钟、铜香炉、大型城市雕塑、园林雕塑、东西方人物铜雕、动物铜雕及各种红、黄、青铜工艺品铸造,产品规格、品种齐全,技术先进,工艺精湛。
Copper cylinder has the auspicious function of praying for good fortune and dispelling disaster, also known as "Menhai", "Fuhai", "auspicious cylinder". At the same time, the cylinder is also a cycle of "small five elements": Jinshengshui, Shuike fire! The most luxurious bronze VATS in the Forbidden City are located on both sides of the Taihe Temple, which symbolizes the imperial power. It is said that every time a large copper vat of this size is used up to 3 kilograms of gold. In front of some palaces and courtyards in the Palace Museum, there are metal cylinders with wide abdomen, large capacity and exquisite decoration, with copper rings on both ears. In addition to decorative functions, the main functions of these large cylinders are water storage and fire prevention, so they are also called "auspicious cylinders" and "taiping cylinders". Tangxian Huifeng Copper Carving Crafts Factory mainly casts large Buddha statues and various modelling crafts. Products include: large Buddha statues, Tibetan Buddha statues, copper tripod, copper bell, bronze incense stove, large city sculpture, garden sculpture, Eastern and Western figure bronze carving, animal bronze carving and various red, yellow and bronze handicraft casting, product specifications, complete varieties, advanced technology, exquisite craftsmanship.