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文物不仅使人得到艺术的享 受,同时它也承载着历史。每当人们走进故宫博物院参观时,不仅会被奇伟的建筑、各类珍宝深深吸引,同时也会在摆放于各个宫殿前的大铜缸前发出由衷的感叹。
Cultural relics not only make people enjoy art, but also carry history. When people visit the Palace Museum, they will not only be deeply attracted by the magnificent buildings and all kinds of treasures, but also give a heartfelt exclamation in front of the big copper cylinder placed in front of each palace.
这些大铜缸虽没有珠宝玉器那样玲珑剔透,但它浑厚的体积,富丽的外表,给每个参观故宫博物院的人留下了深刻的印象。尤其是摆放在乾清门前曾被八国联军用刺 刀刮掉鎏金的铜缸,它身上留下的刀痕,好像仍在淌血。
Although these big copper jars are not as exquisite as jewels and jade, their thick volume and rich appearance impress everyone who visits the Palace Museum. Especially in front of the Qianqing gate, the gilded copper jar was scraped off by the bayonet of the G8 army. The scar on its body seems to be still bleeding.
这些铜缸都是明清时期铸造的,由当时清延内务府营造司管理,按照规定摆放在庭院的宫殿前和后宫的东西 长街上,是皇宫中备作消防用以盛水的器皿。这些铜缸大都是铁式青铜制成,
These bronze jars were all cast in Ming and Qing Dynasties. They were managed by the Construction Department of the interior government of the Qing Dynasty. They were placed in front of the palace in the courtyard and on the east-west street in the back palace according to the regulations. They were vessels prepared for fire fighting in the palace to hold water. Most of them are made of iron bronze,
也有极少的鎏金铜缸(只有太和殿、保和殿和乾清门两侧摆放鎏金铜缸)。大铜缸口径 1.60米,每口约重3392公斤,小铜缸口径1.28米。
There are also very few gilded copper jars (only the Taihe hall, Baohe hall and the Qianqing gate have gilded copper jars on both sides). The diameter of large copper cylinder is 1.60m, each port weighs about 3392kg, and the diameter of small copper cylinder is 1.28M.
公司经营 商品正宗 如实描述 明码标价全店支付支付宝 资金安全有保障 专业包装 专线物流 运输安全 可靠保障 汇丰公司专业承揽制作紫铜浮雕、精密铸造、锻造、大型壁画工程,高端艺术、精湛工艺、知名品牌、值得信赖,竭诚欢迎国内外各界人士来图、来样洽谈定制。
The company manages the goods, honestly and honestly describes the marked price, the whole shop pays the security of Alipay funds, and guarantees the safety and reliability of the professional packaging line. HSBC company specializes in manufacturing copper relief, precision casting, forging, large mural projects, high-end art, exquisite technology, well-known brands, trustworthy, sincerely welcome people from all walks of life at home and abroad to negotiate and customize drawings and samples.