唐县汇丰工艺品厂专业铸造铜大缸,故宫铜大缸,风水铜大缸等,诚信换来金招牌 服务赢得天下客...
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汇丰雕塑 铸铜大缸

故宫门前的铜大缸又叫门海,放在太和殿左右两边。意义是消防。殿属土,若着火,在五行中火生土,土生金,金生水,水生木,木生火,火生土。这样就有无穷无尽的水,所以叫门海。有些缸上一道道刮痕,是八国联军侵略中国是把上面的金刮走留下的。 紫禁城内的宫殿周围,陈列着无数引人注目的“吉祥缸”(也称“太平缸”)。“吉祥缸”有铜缸和铁缸两种,按照材质可以分为“镀金海”铜缸、青铜缸和铁缸三类。史料记载,清代中期,宫内共有大小“吉祥缸”308口,而今却仅存有108口了。皇宫内各处陈设“吉祥缸”的数量以及缸的大小是随着环境而定的。如太和殿、保和殿及乾清门周围陈设的均是“镀金海”铜缸,而内廷东、西六宫庭院及长街上所陈设的就是比较小的青铜缸或者铁缸了。它们即是美化紫禁城内的装饰品,同时也是不可或缺的消防器材。

The bronze VAT in front of the Palace Museum is also called Menhai, which is placed on the left and right sides of Taihe hall. The meaning is fire fighting. The Temple belongs to the earth. If there is a fire, fire will make the earth in the five elements. The earth will make the gold. The gold will make the water. The water will make the wood. The wood will make the fire. The fire will make the earth. In this way, there is endless water, so it is called Menhai. Some of the jars were scratched. The gold was scraped away by the Allied forces of the eight powers when they invaded China. Around the palace in the Forbidden City, there are countless striking "auspicious tanks" (also known as "Taiping tanks"). There are two kinds of auspicious cylinders: copper cylinder and iron cylinder. According to the material, they can be divided into three types: Gold Plated sea copper cylinder, bronze cylinder and iron cylinder. According to historical records, in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, there were 308 "auspicious jars" of different sizes in the palace, but now there are only 108. The number of auspicious tanks and the size of the tanks are determined by the environment. For example, all around Taihe hall, Baohe hall and Qianqing gate are decorated with "gilded sea" copper tanks, while the smaller bronze tanks or iron tanks are displayed in the courtyard of six palaces in the East and west of Neiting and on the long street. They are not only the decorations to beautify the Forbidden City, but also the indispensable fire fighting equipment.


HSBC sculpture arts and crafts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in the design, production and installation of copper vats. Our copper VATS include: triangular vats, Imperial Palace vats, copper vats, copper vats, copper bowls, copper bells, copper tripods, copper censers, etc. our factory undertakes: garden sculpture, urban sculpture, large-scale Buddha sculpture, small sculpture, East and West people Material sculpture, * * animal sculpture, cast copper relief, forged copper relief, fountain sculpture and all kinds of antique bronzes, etc. our factory has complete equipment, exquisite workmanship and reasonable price. Welcome to order!