唐县汇丰工艺品厂专业铸造铜大缸,故宫铜大缸,风水铜大缸等,诚信换来金招牌 服务赢得天下客...
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All the buildings and pavilions in the Palace Museum are made of brick and wood, which are easy to catch fire. Once there is a fire, if it can not be put out in time, the fire will spread rapidly, and this valuable and splendid building will disappear in an instant. For this reason, the builders of the Forbidden City paid special attention to fire prevention, and set up these large VATS in front of the palace, known as the "gate sea". The gate sea is the "sea" in front of the gate. There is a "sea" in front of the gate. Water can control the fire. The brick and wood structure of the Forbidden City is not afraid of fire. Therefore, these copper vats are also called auspicious vats. Each tank can store more than 3000 liters of water, just like small reservoirs.


有些铜缸上一道道刮痕,是八国联军侵略中国是把上面的金刮走留下的。 紫禁城内的宫殿周围,陈列着无数引人注目的“吉祥缸”(也称“太平缸”)。“吉祥缸”有铜缸和铁缸两种,还在铜缸外包上一层棉外套,另外,在特别寒冷的季节里,要把缸架在特制的石圈上,在石圈内点燃炭火,昼夜不熄,使缸内不冻,直到大地回春。某处一旦失火,就用这些大缸里的水扑救,以此保证故宫的安全。它们即是美化紫禁城内的装饰品,同时也是不可或缺的消防器材。古人将“吉祥缸”称为“门海”,既是“门前大海”的意思。这些“吉祥缸”内常年都储备有清水,一旦宫中失火,太监们就可以就进从铜缸内取水扑救。现在你可以清晰的看到大缸的壁上有许多的划痕,那都是八国联军的造孽留下的痕迹,一定要务忘国耻,振兴中华。
The scratches on some copper cylinders were caused by the invasion of China by the Eight Power Allied forces, which scraped away the gold on them. Around the palaces in the Forbidden City, there are numerous remarkable "auspicious VATS" (also known as "Taiping VATS"). There are two kinds of "auspicious jar" such as copper cylinder and iron cylinder. In addition, in the extremely cold season, it is necessary to put the cylinder on a special stone ring, and light a charcoal fire in the stone circle. The jar will not be frozen until spring returns to the earth. Once there is a fire, use the water in these tanks to put out the fire, so as to ensure the safety of the Forbidden City. They are not only ornaments to beautify the Forbidden City, but also indispensable fire-fighting equipment. The ancients called the "auspicious jar" as "the sea in front of the gate". These "auspicious tanks" have water stored in them all year round. Once there is a fire in the palace, eunuchs can take water from the copper tanks to fight. Now you can clearly see that there are many scratches on the wall of the big VAT. They are all traces of the sins of the Eight Power Allied forces. We must forget our national humiliation and revitalize China.


我厂就是流水线工艺一般一个等人大的铜雕塑一般就是15天左右完工。   唐县汇丰工艺品厂是设计与铸造于一体的铜雕厂家,在我们唐县铜雕厂家是领导者,在河北铜雕厂家中技术遥遥领先。
My factory is the assembly line process, a large copper sculpture is generally completed in about 15 days. Tangxian Huifeng arts and crafts factory is a copper carving manufacturer integrating design and casting. It is the leader in Tangxian copper carving factory and far ahead of Hebei copper carving factory in technology.